Cyprus ninja-hunting

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The work-life balance you seek

Cyprus is not only about working at awesome IT-companies - the place also gives you the time to care for yourself.

It sets you free from stress and fills with energy. This is the balance everyone craves for.

And other factors

Cyprus is considered to have the most moderate and healthy climate in the world. Serious infectious diseases are extremely rare here, which helps support a robust immune system.
Food in Cyprus is as healthy as it is tasty. Mediterranian diet, remarkable wineries within a 15-minute drive from home - just like in the movies. Wine Cyprus
Cyprus - is the perfect place to regain shape after the winter off-season, prepare for new challenges and take part in local competitions.
According to the 2019 global safety rating, Cyprus is one of the top 5 safest countries. Similar island rankings place Cyprus in a much higher position if compared to neighboring countries.
Cyprus has everything you need to access high-quality medical services: premium insurance programs and GESY state program.
Cyprus provides a high level of education with employment perspectives all across the EU, and it's easier to enter a Cypriot university or college in comparison to European ones.
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